Healer – Medicine Reminder App | Flutter, SQLite & Local Notification | Android & iOS


Dependency Injection is a wonderful design sample that lets us remove inflexible dependencies between elements and it makes the application greater bendy, and easy to amplify scales and hold. Within the task, we use Plugin injectable and get_it to implement DI and we’ve additionally described lessons so that you can effortlessly implement DI inside the DI layer.

App Main Features:

1. Unique & Modern UI 2. Local Notification Reminder. 3. Data Source locals Database & remotes API. 4. Riverpod State Management. 5. Awesome Colors & Animations. 6. Super Fast & Standard Code Base. 7. Fully Responsive For Any Device. 8. Check Your Nearby Pharmacies. 9. Add Your Medicine Taking Lists, Times & Dates For Notify. 10. And Many More…….

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